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About Us

Meet Sara 



Im 27 and live in beautiful West Sussex. 

Yoga aside, I love exploring the great outdoors, drinking coffee and taking photos of sunsets. 

 Like many I have this ever changing mindset of where I am going and what I am doing in life .

 I feel very grateful to have found a passion for yoga to give me some direction. 

As a qualified nurse, it has given me the belief that there is more to understanding and 'healing’ the body and mind than modern day medicine alone.  I have come to realize we can really help ourselves if we look beneath the surface. 

Although I haven't totally mastered the word calm, Im keen to take care and make use of the amazing  bodies we live in. 

Why Yoga

Why Yoga?

'Yoga; an ancient system of philosophy, life style and techniques that evolve the whole person. A journey of personal inquiry and experience that started when humans became aware and started asking questions of self-discovery'


Yoga Sutras of Patanjali


In a world in which we rush from one day to the next, constantly trying to alter our health, body, emotions. Yoga opens up the possibility of connecting

 what we already have — to who we already are. 


My yoga began with curiosity to simply understand more. It has resulted in being in one of the most rewarding experiences of my life so far. On a personal level, it has given me the confidence to distribute and share the benefits with you.


I aim to teach you the practice of connecting and maintaining breath to movement - focusing the mind, whilst stretching and challenging the body.

My hope is that you step off the mat feeling refreshed, nourished and balanced.


Whatever you feel you want from your yoga practice, be it clarity, focus, release, strength, flexibility, balance,  spiritual growth,  peace and quiet, self-acceptance, confidence, book yourself into a class to make a start. 


Contact Me

For further info

Sara Smith
Instagram: saralouisayoga 

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